11 Oct 2024

The Morning Stars - Kulturhauskino Brüssow, D

9 Nov 2024

BM + Ensemble "In anderem Licht" live, Pfalzbau Ludwigshafen, D


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Paper Of Pins (Wells & Schneider & Whitehead & Morgenstern)

Format: Album (CD, LP, digital)
Label: Karaoke Kalk Kalk50
Distribution: Morr Music

With the release of the album "Paper Of Pins" Karaoke Kalk is a truly harmonious collaboration between Bill Wells, Ann Whitehead, Stefan Schneider and Barbara Morgenstern. The four artists already brought out "Pick Up Sticks" in 2004. Mr. Wells is responsible for arrangements and samplers, while Barbara Morgenstern experiments on the keyboards, Stefan Schneider controls the synthesizers and bass and Annie Whitehead plays trombone and melodica. The coming together of this quartet on "Paper Of Pins" has resulted in mature, yet unforced sounding compositions. All in all "Paper Of Pins" is a fascinating album with emotional, but also artistically ornate melodies. In this way every track contains its very own unique beauty and fervor.

01 Brown Recluse
02 Rowing Without Oars
03 Tributaries
04 The Hermitage Of Braid
05 Which Brings Us To
06 Produce Of More Than One Country
07 Loitering With Intent
08 The Three Ronnies


2018 Release "Unschuld & Verwüstung" @Staatsakt/ Oct. 2018 + shows, theater work: composition for children´s choir "Do´s & Dont´s" - Rimini Protokoll, HAU Berlin, Essen Pact, Kamnagel Hamburg, Shottish National Theater Glasgow/ Paisley, Venedig Biennale
2017 Recording of "Unschuld & Verwüstung", theater work "Truck Tracks/ Essen/ Ruhrtriennale"/ Rimini Protokoll
2016 Choir work "Lautarchiv" with A.Benjamin Meyers & Hauschka/ HKW, thater composition "brain projects" by Rimini Protokoll, Schauspielhaus Hamburg
2015 Finishing "Doppelstern", Choir Work "Fragen an das Licht" for the Zero retrospective/ Martin Gropius Bau + Atonal Festival Berlin
2014 Recordings for "Doppelstern", Musical Direction Radioplay "Qualitätskonrolle" by Rimini Protokoll, Production of "Stille Vann" - female Bandproject by barner 16
2013 Musical direction for "Qualitätskontrolle" by Rimini Protokoll, Staatstheater Stuttgart
2013 Choir work ("California"/HKW, "Virtuosity"/Kammermusiksaal Berliner Philharmonie, etc.)
2012 Release of the album "Sweet Silence" and live shows
2012 Musical direction and choir work for "Lagos Business Angels" by Rimini Protokoll, HAU 1, Theater Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin


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Powerline | Wieland Krämer - wk [yeah] powerline-agency [yeah] com (Mail)

Booking UK

Bit-Phalanx - bookings [yeah] bit-phalanx [yeah] com (Léigh Bartlam)



  • The Morning Stars - Kulturhauskino Brüssow, D 11 Oct 2024
  • BM + Ensemble "In anderem Licht" live, Pfalzbau Ludwigshafen, D 9 Nov 2024